Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My Mother's Day Request

This month is a very special month indeed. I turned 28 on the 7th and I am not the only on with a birthday this and every May. My mother and my brother also have birthday and another special angel named Tripp. We also celebrate Mother’s Day… and it is honor of one particular mother (and her son) that I write this post.

Her name is Courtney (Courtney & Tripp’s Story). She is around my age. She is a mother that every mother can and should look up to. Her strength and courage are something to be acknowledged, admired and honored. Courtney does not know me. We have never met, but I hope she knows that she is one of my heroes and her son is as well. If she does read this I hope she hears my “thank you” woven into every word and my prayers that rise from my thoughts to reach her son in heaven. I thank her for sharing her struggles and for being the AMAZING mother that Tripp deserved.

To support Courtney this mother’s day and her precious boy Tripp on his 3rd birthday please find it in your hearts to give to The Butterfly Fund to help with EB research and family support for those battling the disease.

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